
Free Evangelical Assembly, Luhlokohla, eSwatini

DOB:  September 6, 2002

High School Student

Mcondisi’s father died in 2008, after his mother left him with his grandmother when he was only 3 years old. Four cousins, all girls, also lived there. He was passed to an aunt who abused him and didn’t even feed him as much as her children received; the kids were also mean to him. So he ended up back with his grandmother.

Mcondisi is very smart, though, and motivated. He’s always at the top of his class—until 7th grade, when his grandmother had him working as the cowboy, leaving him little time to study. He was angry and begged for intervention. We provide food monthly and convinced the gogo that as smart as he is, letting him study is a great investment. He’s thriving again! He took Form 2 (9th grade) in 2020, and we believe every cent spent on this young man is very good seed! Even as a Form 2 student, he served as a prefect, meaning he helped watch and control other students.

Total annual need: $600


Fully Funded for 2021!

Click Child Sponsorhip form here

Copyright Becky Spencer Ministries 2012