
Shepherd's Care
Sipete, eSwatini

 DOB: January 9, 2006

Elementary Student
at School for the Deaf

Philani and his twin sister Nokuphila have living parents, but both of them are mentally ill alcoholics. The twins were neglected and abused for years, often begging for food in the village of Sipete.

Because Philani is hearing impaired, Nokuphila became his protector. They have a very close bond.

Both were severely malnourished when they came to Shepherd's Care. People had taunted them for years, saying they were stupid and would never amount to anything--even saying he was demon-possessed, causing his deafness. 

Neighbors were tired of feeding them; food was scarce for everyone.

Since social welfare brought them to Shepherd's Care, Philani has thrived. He has the biggest smile ever!  Even when he broke his leg in January, 2019, he was so brave--amazing considering the fact that we couldn't effectively communicate with him what was happening when he needed to see the doctor, stay overnight for an extended period of time, and have surgery.

We all believe he can actually hear. It's taken awhile to get his legal documents, but finally his school has a copy of his birth certificate. We hope that we can now get a passport for him so he can see an ear specialist in South Africa.  Perhaps surgery or hearing aides will help him function in the hearing world.

Which would mean the world to him, since he hates being away from his twin sister while he's at school.



Total annual need:


Fully Funded for 2022!

Copyright Becky Spencer Ministries 2012